# 95
It's a rush with psychedelic overtones to awaken from a thoroughly arousing dream one minute and leave for work ten minutes later. The experience can amplify the thrill factor of the visual and sonic dimensions with liberal doses of precipitation on the tarmac, an empty gut with a craving for caffeine, a radio station with a Japanese announcer, whose preference for the shrill of his own voice to any kind of foray into the musical realm is as obvious as the bags under the eyes of the bollock in the rear vision mirror, and the need for speed.
That's right. I am dangerous.
*snaps jaw shut, places hands on hips like a poster boy for the Village People Movement, adjusts Air Force issue Raybans*
I take it you didn't have your usual medication today?
You take it correctly, Steph. I only had one lesson to teach today and left work at midday. The day wasn't a complete loss. ;)
So exactly what meds did you take today? How can I get some?
Yep, me too. I had five today and going home at lunchtime is a distant dream. Narrowly avoided ripping a woman to pieces today. Gotta look busy for another few hours yet.
When you say "arousing dream", do you really mean "wet dream"?
A friend phoned me once and woke me up from a wet dream, right before the good bit. I yelled at him. The moment was lost. :-(
And OMG... I wouldn't have believed this myself if I didn't see it, so I took a screencap.
Word Verification
BB: Sugar and caffeine from a vending machine. It was a token gesture on behalf of the universe.
UTR: It took me until 3pm on Monday to get over the weekend. Cheers, brother.
RT: I can't remember ever having a wet dream. I do wake up with an erection every day that I'm not in a coma, which has only been once and a most unpleasant day it was, too. I'm a light sleeper. Perhaps that's part of the reason. A moment such as the one you describe could be etched into the annals of historical significance with the ease of a solitary hand grasping a solid object. An appropriate word verification, hombre.
Is a light sleeper the same as an early riser?
Can I get some of those Ray-Bans?
It's a done deal.
You want the hairspray? I've got loads of it to go around.
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